Character Education

Four aspects of Character Education are:

  • The ability to remain motivated and persevere when setbacks are encountered;

  • The learning of positive moral attributes known as ‘virtues’ such as courage, honesty, generosity, integrity, humility and a sense of justice;

  • The acquisition of social confidence and the ability to listen attentively to the views of others, behave with courtesy and speak persuasively to an audience;

  • An appreciation of the importance of long-term commitments.

Character Education contributes to forming children ready to take their place in the world. At St James’ we provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum and promote the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of children. We prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

All staff subscribe to the same ethos and have high expectations for exemplary behaviour. Staff are consistent in implementing the behaviour policy and there is a calm atmosphere throughout the school. The outstanding pupil behaviour and high academic achievement spring from the school’s ethos and values.

Every half term, a positive character trait is introduced through newsletters, assemblies, curriculum evenings, the website and twitter. This aims to reinforce and share the importance of recognising and demonstrating these traits consistently throughout each day. The understanding of these traits is then further developed in each class to enable children to relate this to their everyday lives. Children can demonstrate their understanding by giving examples. We celebrate positive character traits in assemblies after children have nominated one another. We also celebrate our Golden Promises of pride, respect and courtesy in assemblies.  

We provide opportunities to help children explore and express their character and build the skills they need for resilience and empathy. Character Education is taught through assemblies, across the curriculum, in dedicated Character Education lessons and in extracurricular clubs. We follow the Jubilee Centre for Character Education curriculum.